The Unidens are the leader in range vs false alerts. But the Valentine 1's are a close second. I've used a V1 for a long time (I started with a Fuzzbuster II in the 1970's, then an Escort, a Bell, a Whipser, and maybe more). I like the V1. I like their situation awareness (arrows showing the source of the signal). The Unidens can learn where false signals are located based on multiple trips coupled with GPS and not alert the driver to the falsies. Using the JBV1 app on a cell phone, the V1 can do the same. It does require buying the Valentine bluetooth module. In my opinion, the V1 + bluetooth module + cell phone + JBV1 app = most info and therefore, best setup.
NHP uses instant on, you need traffic to alert you to their presence, otherwise, uh oh. Metro motorcycles use instant on too. I've heard NHP uses laser near the CA border but since I refuse to go to CA, I can't confirm. One might be able to get a stray radar signal, but probably not.
Radar/laser jammers do work but I don't think they're legal in the US. $$$. But concealed means concealed.
A lot of Nevada roads are safe at high speeds with cars in good condition. Don't speed in towns, cities or in traffic. But knowing where there are speed traps will allow one to slow down without contributing to civil coffers.