All work done by John at m13 industries. This thing is sweet! Only took it out once for about 80 rounds and ran flawlessly after I had the gas adjusted. Occam combo gas block provides plenty of gas settings. Also already has the Bulgarian military AR-M9 grip.
it was p/w to 16” with a surefire compatible break. If you want a different muzzle break. I can have John change it, and split the labor with you (but I keep the surefire).
**magazine NOT included
$1700, must meet at freedom or Ventura M-F after 5pm or on Sat
any Qs, just PM me

it was p/w to 16” with a surefire compatible break. If you want a different muzzle break. I can have John change it, and split the labor with you (but I keep the surefire).
**magazine NOT included
$1700, must meet at freedom or Ventura M-F after 5pm or on Sat
any Qs, just PM me