Not sure how anyone else talked to him but we went back and forth via text. Not expecting much to come from his phone number but it’s 530-287-2183. I texted “Michael” today and ask him if he was going to follow through with this deal or if he was going to be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Nvr heard back from him.
Just too many red flags in his text messages for me. He did not talk like a gun guy he talked like a scammer.
Things that people should look out for….
More than twice he said “if you’re ready to proceed with the purchase” and “would you like to proceed” to me is just a red flag. Most gun people do not talk like that. Also, 3 times autocorrect changed Elko to Elmo from his texts. lol.
He did have the item though because I told him to send me a picture of the item with today’s date written on a piece of paper and he did…
And of course he tried to push Venmo and I told him there’s no buyer protection for Venmo and he went on to tell me how there was, but it’s a very rare deal where you have a business credit card with them. Just way too many red flags.
I do not look at a good price or deal as a red flag, because I have gotten such great deals on here, Reddit, Ebay, gun broker etc but sometimes just reading how they talk to you is red flag enough. Sadly the scammers are getting better and even buying PP goods and services is not a guaranteed thing anymore. There’s a lot of stories lately of people sending empty boxes or boxes with rocks just for the tracking number and then when you open a dispute with PayPal they take the side of the seller. They show a picture of them putting the item in a box and mailing it, and you show a picture of a box of rocks. Who are they supposed to believe?
Hopefully he’s reading this and he will make good on his word and not be a total POS.