I'll be constantly updating this list as I go. Pictures will be in the main post and first/second comments as I update depending what sells.
Lot 1 - Winchester +P .45acp
- 250 rounds ( 5 x 50rn boxes)
- 185gr truncated / flat nose.
WTT: 300rn NIB .45acp standard ball ammo or 400rn .45acp reload ball ammo (LAX, Miwall, etc...)
Lot 2 - Winchester Black Talons in 10mm
- 1 box of 20
WTT: Black talons in either 9mm or .44mag
Lot 3 - Winchester Rangers T-Series .40cal JHP
- 250 rounds (5 x 50rn boxes)
- 180 grain (NOT 165s)
- Newer manufacturing in the black box.
WTT: 250rn of either Winchester Rangers in 147gr 9mm, Federal HST 147gr JHP 9mm, or Speer Gold Dot 147gr 9mm
I am looking strictly to trade for what is mentioned above, however to comply with the rules a price is required. If you want to buy all 3 lots - $600. Will not split.
Lot 1 - Winchester +P .45acp
- 250 rounds ( 5 x 50rn boxes)
- 185gr truncated / flat nose.
WTT: 300rn NIB .45acp standard ball ammo or 400rn .45acp reload ball ammo (LAX, Miwall, etc...)
Lot 2 - Winchester Black Talons in 10mm
- 1 box of 20
WTT: Black talons in either 9mm or .44mag
Lot 3 - Winchester Rangers T-Series .40cal JHP
- 250 rounds (5 x 50rn boxes)
- 180 grain (NOT 165s)
- Newer manufacturing in the black box.
WTT: 250rn of either Winchester Rangers in 147gr 9mm, Federal HST 147gr JHP 9mm, or Speer Gold Dot 147gr 9mm
I am looking strictly to trade for what is mentioned above, however to comply with the rules a price is required. If you want to buy all 3 lots - $600. Will not split.
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