Suppressors / Silencers In Stock

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We have the following Suppressors / Silencers Avail in Stock<br>

<b>Tactical Solutions</b><br>

Axiom 22LR in FDE & Blk $350<br>

Cascade Ti 22LR $299<br>

Cascade 22LR $249<br>

<b>Advanced Armament</b><br>

M4-2000 5.56 w/ QD threads $949<br>


Outback 22LR $299<br>

All NFA Rules Apply<br>
Price doesn't include a $25 background check fee, If you have a valid CCW issued after July 1st, 2011 then the fee can be waived.<br>
Call Davidson's, were all firearms have the best price in town!.<br>
Davidson's Firearms<br>
10890 S Eastern Ave<br>
Suite 103<br>
Henderson, NV 89052<br>
Monday : By Appt<br>
Tuesday - Friday : 10:00am to 5:30pm<br>
Saturday : 11:00am to 4:00pm<br>



Well-known member (45 ACP)
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That is correct if you are purchasing it in an individuals name, but if you have a trust then there is a background check required at the time of pickup.
When did this start? I've bought 3 cans through a trust and never had to do a background check....I've filled out the 4473 but AFAIK they didn't call it in and I wasn't charged the $25.
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It's been like that for as long as I know, but dealers may not read the fine print. The 4473 requires that if the purchase is for a business or other entity that the 4473 be filled out by an authorized person AND that a letter stating the purchase is for the business or trust AND that a background be run on the individual (since no background was run for the tax stamp).
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