WTS Skeet Clinic At CCSC

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Coming up next weekend Nov. 8-10 Paul Giambrone is giving his Skeet Clinic at CCSC. I am signed up for 1/2 day clinic on Sunday Nov 10. I paid the $200.00 deposit for the half day clinic. The clinic is for 2 shooters half day. You will shoot anywhere from 10 to 12 boxes of shells. You are responsible for your cost of shells and for the cost of rounds shot. I think you get to pay the Thrusday pricing, not 100% sure. The clinic cost is $450.00 for the half day.
If you shoot skeet and want to improve your game or just want to learn from one of the best Skeet instructors , Paul's course will be well worth it.
I am up North with family and cannot make it back in time. If someone want's to take my place they can use my $200.00 deposit and just come up with the $250.00 for the half day course.
Let me know if you have interest and I will put you in contact with the Las Vegas person involved with the Clinic.

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This ends up being a For Sale ad, so it has been moved to the Trading Post
I'm not selling anything. I am giving away $200.00 for the person that want's to take advantage of this clinic.
Give me a call if your interested.

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Only a few days left. If you know someone that wants to improve their Skeet shooting or wants to learn from a great instructor now's the time.
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