The seller posted clear photos of what he is offering. After your attempt to police him, he offered more information and a suggested link.
There is ample information for potential buyers to decide the items worth.
Stop being a troll, with your ZERO rating in the marketplace not sure why you seem to have an axe to grind.
He isn't being a troll. Every single thing Tozan said was correct.
He may have no feedbacks to show, but he has proven with his posting history that he has substantial knowledge of numerous automatic firearms (among other things), so from where I sit his posts carry more weight than, say for example, mine. I was going to comment about the suppressor not being an actual suppressor, because it isn't, but I kept my own mouth shut because of the recent debates regarding interjection in for sale threads. I also see the OP has since corrected that part by removing all mention of the "suppressor".
Now, whether this is the time and place to interject, well.. there's obviously considerable disagreement on that point.
The information the seller provided does not contradict anything Tozan said. When people make false claims in for sale posts, they should be corrected.