Sirius System
As some of y'all know, we had a close friend pass away last October, and we've been liquidating most their assets so the wife would be taken care of. She is in hospice care, so it's all kinda pointless now. We just need to bring this to a close at this point. We have some items too good to just donate, but not worth trying to sell. I'll list a few here over the next few days. Only two things I ask is please don't take an item then sell it on ebay or something. Only take it if you have a use for it. Also, since it's free, meet me on my side of town. We're near McCarran. Thanks...
First item is a Sirius Sportster and Starmate as pictured. It appears everything is there, and has a extra bag of cables and stuff. Subscription is on you... Claimed by Just Deserts