Become a Nevada Shooters Forum Supporter!

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NRA Endowment Member
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Thank you for the recent donations! Not only does it it help with the monthly hosting fees, but also the exorbitant annual state fees!

If I missed any badges, please message me. Thanks!


NRA Endowment Member
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One donation sent yesterday I have been having a hard time reconciling with an account here. The Paypal address is not the same as the email address here on the forum. So if you did not get your Forum Supporter badge, please MESSAGE me your Paypal address so I can add the badge.

And thanks to everyone for their donations!!


NRA Endowment Member
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Thank you for the recent donations!!
They came in handy after paying the accountant to do the corporate taxes!! :ROFLMAO:


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I re-uped for the new year, painless! and well worth it!


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Re-uped again.

moar different

CCSC Brass Repatriator
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I re-upped. Anyone who don't should lose the prestigious green supporter band.
Otherwise the green ban is cheapened and impurified.

A “Sparkle Pony” is someone who comes to Burning Man unprepared and ends up relying on the generosity of others, purposefully or otherwise, for basic things like food and water and sometimes even more.


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A $20 well spent.


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Before I moved here to Henderson, I knew I would be on the forum so I joined. I did again last night. I know a lot of work goes into this website, so guys, 20 bucks to help build and maintain it doesn't hurt at all.


NRA Endowment Member
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Thank you all for the donations.
Badges have been added to those accounts that I have been able to verify.
Every single person who donated recently should have received a private message or an email thanking you for the support.
If you did not receive this message, please message me directly with your Paypal email address so I can reconcile and add the Forum Supporter badge.
Again, THANK YOU for your support!


NRA Endowment Member
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did this.. didn't get the badge :(
Squared away. Thanks for the message and again the donation!

Different email address for Paypal than the one used here. When this happens an email is sent to the email address that was used to send the Paypal funds, asking for the forum user name or "handle".

Again, if you donated and did not get the message, message me here with your Paypal address. THANK YOU!


NRA Endowment Member
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Thanks all for the donations. It looks like I am all caught up with Forum supporter badges, with the exception of a couple who's Paypal address is not the same as their Nevada Shooters email address.

If you made a donation and did not get the Forum Supporter badge, please message me.

Again, thank you all for your support of the forum!


NRA Endowment Member
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All but about 3 donors (whom I've been unable to associate with a screen name) who donated $20 or more in 2019 have been awarded the new 2019 Supporter badge.

Thank you again for your support of the forum!


NRA Endowment Member
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I am up to about half a dozen $20 or more donors that qualify for both the Forum Supporter badge and the 2019 Supporter badge - but the Paypal email address does not match your email address on here - and there wasn't a note with the payment letting us know your forum screen name.

So, if I missed you, inbox me with the email address you used when you "beamed" payment from Paypal, and I'll get it straightened out!

Thank you all for the donations and support keeping this forum up and running!
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