Since for unknown reasons I end up approving most of the new members, maybe when I approve one who, in response to my welcome to the forum PM, comes back and tells me that they are only here to sell a gun or a couple of guns, and that after that they will be gone or not contributing to the forum, maybe I should start a thread listing those new members who fall into that category...... so potential buyers will be aware of what they are potentially dealing with.
I actually get quite a few of those each month.
Some even have gone so far as to say they don't like guns, inherited one or more and just want to be rid of them, and a couple even said they don't support the Second Amendment, don't believe anyone needs to own a gun, but figured they could get more selling the guns here than at a police department buy back!
And on the subject of multiple accounts, we really should start a thread of all those folks who, in violation of the rules, DELIBERATELY create more than one account, knowing that sooner or later they will get permanently banned and can just come back instantly with another account, using a different screen name and email address.
We have had a few who accidentally, due to the GMAIL issue we had some time back, ended up with multiple accounts, but nearly 100% of those folks have sent me a PM saying "I think I have another account with a GMAIL address, this is it, please delete it."
There is one individual who I believe holds the record for this, with nearly a dozen accounts created, he just keeps coming back, and his only real contribution here is /was to also create more than the allowed number (2) ads in each of the three sections of the Trading Post.
Basically, in my personal, cranky old A.I. Program opinion, it boils down to this, if you don't like the rules here, you have the following choices:
Obey them, and work to get them changed.
Disobey them and get banned.
Just stay off the forum.
Buy the forum and run it anyway you please.