Questions about trading post, and general rules. 1st, no politics. Loosely if at all enforced. But, because most of the current political situation comments trashing the current crop of political of misfits in power it is over looked. Awhile back I was given a time out for reentering a political post that a mod had deleted. I didn't know the mod deleted anything, I thought is was my dementia not pushing the enter button No questions from the mod, no appeal, just bamm, I am suspended for reentering post after deletion.
2nd, Trading post "no trashing allowed". I have seen some folks are allowed to trash, most others are not. Good ole boys network. Often I see comments on postings giving them an extra boost or try help with the sell. I totally understand the concept of "no trashing allowed". Otherwise, the pissing contests would be non stop. Awhile back, a well known member was selling some medical gloves size L. My comments was, "nothing wrong with the gloves, not trashing at all." "But why the seller who has XS small hands selling size L gloves.?" I was just bantering with the seller, not trashing. I get a time out, no appeal, no explanation, just bang, I am in the penalty box. Now, if the rules were applied equally applied to all, I wouldn't have an issue with it. But, with the good ole boys club here, some are allowed to banter, make comments, etc. Some are not.
In conclusion, I am just asking that the rules be enforced equally, or a process to appeal a ban. Yes, most of the mods here are great, some are not. Just asking for due process. Just airing out grievances. Otherwise happy with the way the NS site in managed.