Got there a few minutes after 8. I was #9 in line. The used pistols were in the cases, below the new stuff. Used shotguns were on the wall under the new stuff. The used rifles were on two tables at the far end of the store, by the bathroom.
When the doors opened, I got a ticket and pretty much sprinted to the rifle table. By the time I looked at the first 1/3 of it, the guys that had started at the end had already collected most of the 10/22's and semi-auto 22's. The Winchester 88 in .308 that I was interested in didn't make it at all. I picked up two small rifles and they put them behind the counter with my ID.
They called my number about 10:25 and I looked at a few pistols. Did the paperwork a bit after that and was out by 11am.
I'm not sure what NFA could do to make it better. I remember at one of the first of these sales, they only let 10 or so people in for like 5 mins, then let another 10, then 5 mins later another 10, etc. This gave people a chance to look at stuff before the masses just scoffed up anything they could get their hands on, but for #75 in line, he's probably not going to get in there soon enough to get any of the real deals. Short of doing an auction for the items at a certain time, with an inspection period prior, I think this is as good as it gets.